Member States achieved another significant step forward towards conducting the first pan European Exercise on Critical Information Infrastructure Protection (CIIP) at the 2nd workshop in Brussels, on 11, March. The exercises will be testing the efficiency of communication links and procedures in case of incidents affecting Internet's operation.
Member States achieved another significant step forward towards conducting the first pan European Exercise on Critical Information Infrastructure Protection (CIIP).
In the second workshop organised in Brussels on 11th of March by ENISA, EU’s Joint Research Centre (JRC), and the European Commission, EU Member States reaffirmed their commitment to participate in the first pan European Exercise on CIIP in accordance with the Tallinn Ministerial Declaration.
Member States unanimously approved the high level scenario of the first pan European Exercise. The exercise will test the efficiency of communication links and procedures between different Member States in case of incidents affecting Internet’s normal operation in several countries. The impact of the incident and the response needed will require the cooperation and communication between different countries. The participants will have in their disposal all currently available means for finding related contacts in different countries.
During the next months the team of planners will work on the details of the exercise, including the detailed scenario, as well as the training and evaluation material. The actual exercise is planned to take place in early November 2010.
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